Q Study Archive

Authors of Q studies (published either in conventional media, or even better, electronically), who are willing to share their data are encouraged to contact me. The data may be in one or more of the following formats: QMethod, PCQ3, QUANAL, or SPSS. 


'Lipset' - Textbook example 
Brown (1980)
Knowledge or Certainty? 
Dissertation by Len Barchak (1977)
Perceptions of Terrorism
Nitcavic & Dowling (1990)

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'Lipset' example data set

This is a quite extensively discussed text-book example.
Source: Brown, S.R. (1980). Political subjectivity: Applications of Q methodology in political science. New Haven: Yale University Press.
The 'Lipset' data set is packaged already within both, PQMethod and PCQ3.

'Knowledge or Certainty?'

In his dissertation, Len Barchak (1977) studied epistemological views of leading communication scientists of the 1970s, including Paul Lazarsfeld, Denis McQuail, Hilde Himmelweit, Colin Cherry, and Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann.
William Stephenson, the mentor of this study, participated also as a respondent in 1975. In 1977, and in 1984 again, Stephenson provided follow-up Q-sorts which reveal the development of his philosophy of science during that time.

Web version of published article based on Len's dissertation

Data and additional material

Online WebQ-Sort

If you aren't acquainted with WebQ yet, please do a practice run of the WebQ Tutor  first.

Launch 'Knowledge or Certainty' WebQ
Note: This is for demonstration only. Your responses will not be sent to a valid email address. However, after clicking "Send," you will see your q-sort data record, formatted for PQMethod, on screen.

Perceptions of Terrorism

Source: Nitcavic, R. G. & Dowling, R. E. (1990). American perceptions of terrorism: A Q-methodological analysis of types. Political Communication and Persuasion, 7, 147-166. - Author's contact address: Ralph E. Dowling <plaintiff@comcast.net>

Abstract: The literature on terrorism makes a number of significant predictions of the effects of media coverage of terrorism on audiences, public policy, and terrorism itself. Many of these predictions are contradictory, and little or no empirical social-scientific research has been done to determine public perceptions of international terrorism. Q-methodology offers a means of identifying groups or "types" of persons who share similar attitudes toward a phenomenon. Use of Q-methology here revealed four types of respondents sharing similar views of international terrorism. These distinctive types helped shed light on the many diverse and contradictory predictions of the effects of terrorism coverage on American public opinion and public policy.

Original analyses were run with QUANAL software.


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Peter Schmolck <Peter@schmolck.org> Date of last modification: 2012-March-12